With The Game To The Universalism

At the start, the fairness is very important principle.
All this because the capitalism is stuck in the mud and spinning in the place, while communism can't help them any more.
Divine is imminent!
Divine intervention as the solution.
A gods mat to come out of mud.
In math it is the proce
ss in which we go from sine to tangent or cotangent!.
Maybe in the Universalism we can allow all classes but not allow any class to dominate.
Can we organize and galvanize civilisation without any domination?.
The teaching carefully distinguishes man the creature from God the Creator. The Creator is The God.
This implies that God is the originator of mathematical truth and mat genuine good help!.
Safe, sound, secure and solid ground for the future. So, note that in case that you decide to vote or play this game, then try, please, to adjust your icon to public networking culture and use a neutral avatar rather than an explicit human face photo!. Thanks!.n


Hi, Honorable Citizen,

I am Zikalkis and I am doing and working the job of a self intuited Universal Secular God.
History has never established it, so I am trying to correct it.
I am in search for a proper profile of a candidate for the president of Usa, who will create an office of the secular god soon after He assumes the office of president by using executive order.
For to achieve that, I need your pledges that you will give your electoral signature on the petition required for his/her ballot access when I find a candidate and his electors in your respective states.
When I intuited this entity, 13 years ago, I informed people around me of it.
Of course, it is difficult to keep the pristine of a divinity. One has to be beside the civilisation. I found out that I, as a secular god, can assume only two attributes that almighty god cant afford Himself:
The Right to be born and The Right to possess property.
So, I rooted myself in my room, starting to write a paradigm of the world's arrangement from my new divine and universal perspective.
As, 3 years ago, they gave me a monitor and linkage with their computer through a hole in my floor, I got an Internet connection.
I sat before the screen and started to use paint programme to explain myself and world the universe and content in it the way I intuit.
Then, I decided to contact the civilization and I picked up 1500 e-mail addresses randomly from the web.
I invited all to chat about Secular God and so. 10% of them accepted invitation, 1% chatted but 0% continued conversation.
So, I heared Ron Paul in a debate on TV about the campaign for USA president and asked myself, is it without me as Secular God incomplete!.
My intuition drew me to the conclusion for my inclusion in the campaign as a guiding actual god for national future leaders.
I went to Internet and collected 250 e-mail addresses of candidate-hopefuls seeking OPUS at FEC and have started to report and inform them daily about my activities and chores.
Respectfully, 10% of them asked removal from list, what is duly done.
Then, I felt it is time to turn to voters. First list I encountered was a list of universities ranked by some agency.
Of 250 e-mail addresses that I have informed, mainly from law schools, 5% honestly claimed removal.
Then I saw a list of students and I said: “Maybe I can educate themcwhile teachers teaching them!”
Now, after Americans Elect is ceasing fight for the ballot accesss for third option candidates, I think that it is time for me to go to citizens, to you, to ask pledges for the signatures as petitioners for the option four.
You can ask people in your union, church, school and surroundings if they are willing to give signature for The Secular God's indicated yet-to-be candidate and inform me about their pledges.
I'll start my pioneering from Alabama. Then go to neighbouring states.
Randomly, will be taken 500 e-mail addresses from each state and I shall begin with my free and fair offer in asking thr endorsing pledges for eventual signature for my ballot access.
You can reply then, as for example: „O.K. Zikalkis, you have 19 signatures from this position!", or "Here you get over 510 signatures that Donadero collected in one day, when the time comes!“, or „ Yes, here you have only my consent!“ or : “Sorry Zik, I spent my endorsing authority on Buddy Roamer!” or : “Will see this month and inform you, OMGZ!”
But also you can replay: „Who needs you SG! Get along! I have my personal god and I am fine with the universe!“ or as you deem and find suitable to you. One e-mail entity wrote: "O.K. Zik, you are good boy, but don't reply on this message.
So, you can write me a message or more, and under it: "Don't reply!".
I reckon I can get over 78% public votes and 300 electoral votes for my candidate on the fall election in November.
I count on american exceptional generosity and my willful goodness.
Namely, USA is on bipartisan bicycle. Americans Elect tried rather go as tricycle than as four wheeler, so they preferred to pass away than associate with the Option Four for equilibrium. AE went to centar for byepartisan ticket, while I was and am out in area of providence.
Now empty tyre Green Libertarians join two overblown tyres, and the best they can do is to replace the overblown tyre with a flat one.
So, one may deduce that the most plausible solution for stable and prosperous America is a Fourth Option sustained with The Universal and Secular God Zikalkis, myself.
As this is solely my intuitive initiative, I expect you to comprehend my comprehensive purpose of this  aim.
More about this paradigm you have on blog:
You can subscribe to my daily e-mailing report, what one entity has already done, on my e-mail address:
 sometimes I am on tweeter: @zikalkis
Have a lovely days….bye….Zikalkis USG!
"An idea is an impulse of thought that impels action, by an appeal to the imagination"

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