With The Game To The Universalism

At the start, the fairness is very important principle.
All this because the capitalism is stuck in the mud and spinning in the place, while communism can't help them any more.
Divine is imminent!
Divine intervention as the solution.
A gods mat to come out of mud.
In math it is the proce
ss in which we go from sine to tangent or cotangent!.
Maybe in the Universalism we can allow all classes but not allow any class to dominate.
Can we organize and galvanize civilisation without any domination?.
The teaching carefully distinguishes man the creature from God the Creator. The Creator is The God.
This implies that God is the originator of mathematical truth and mat genuine good help!.
Safe, sound, secure and solid ground for the future. So, note that in case that you decide to vote or play this game, then try, please, to adjust your icon to public networking culture and use a neutral avatar rather than an explicit human face photo!. Thanks!.n


peers states

five flags
five zero
me is zikalkis
» i speak a bit incoherent
» but it is my job to chat randomly with civilisation
» i am secular god beside the civilisation
» this is only and most direct way to communicate with members of civilisation i call civs
» if it nerves you just put me on IGNORE
» don't ban me as mods are doing generally
» when they ban me it is as that they kill me temporarily
» they can ignore me to but they choose ban, very strange
» but it is such regulation and rule
» they have weapons to protect chatrooms against intruders
i consider all chat rooms to be public not privat of bots
» but again someone has to moderate chats
» mods do it as policemen
» it is okay as long as some of them don’t disguise under this uniform of mod
» let's hope no one will
» okay now where i was
ah five flags was in question
» scandinavian countries have 5 national flags with the crosses
» obama went to tell them to change it
» but they gave him nobel prize
» international court of human rights voted 5 to 0 in strassbourg against symbols crosses on public places
» italy doesn't listen
» scandinavians don't listen
» sharapova doesn't obey verdict
» wimblendon is benevolent
» usa avoids be equal under law, as all IC

Burstuds (30/8)

Terrorism > Negative extremism > Profanism > Sanktitism > Mundanism > Divinism > Positive extremism (Intremism) > Zikalkism (Heroism)
from his side it is not criminal wrongdoing
heroism is cure for terrorism and universalism is cure for familiarism, nationalism and all other particularisms
but they warned me not to interfere in familiar and national affairs
» so they try to make me coward
obi is raising ceiling instead of digging the floor, while Zik is above the roof near the chimney as universal Santa Claus
it is national sovereignty but where is individual sovereignty
» all these crisis and terrorisms and famine and poverty are prices of democracy
» you see that i have to buy all taxes
» they accused me that my paradigm is fertilizer for noble prize
» i know my paradigm is QE8 strong drug or stimulans but
Hoivy (20/5) Galifianakis (30/12) Fortige (30/7) Tigros (20/6) = 100/30
how is profanising and vulgarising unrelentless
how to divinise How
Hoivy (20/5) Fortige (30/7) Tigrut (20/6) Galifianakis (30/12)  = 100/30
Hoivy (20/5) Tigrol (20/6) Fortige (30/7) Galifianakys (30/12)
Hoivy (20/5) Tigros (20/6) Galifianakis (30/12) Fortige (30/7)
Hoiwy (20/5) Galifianakis (30/12) Fortige (30/7) Tygros (20/6) = 100/30

250 and 450 px

large is best


blogger name is a charisamation...:


Explore how you can help restore our republic to our constitutional legacy; to return to loyal, ethic and moral governance (guidance) with 6% liability and 1oo% credibility. No up front contributions, just dedication. Just trying to be loyal to the principles, holding them fast and firm.


metaphysics, reality, cosmology, ontology, epistemology and divinity is to deal with

Hinduism and Buddhism affirm that human beings are related to all that is and, simultaneously, how the self is essentially divine. Beyond the empirical human is the human essence, atman, which is identical with the ultimate reality, Brahman.

So: human, atman, brahman …. Being essence, reality.Whereas Hinduism and Buddhism emphasize how human nature is related to divine nature, the self is generally thought of as distinct from the divine in Semitic religions such as Islam and Judaism. Islam is the religion that most strongly stresses the distinction between God and the world; humanity is seen as dependent upon God and God's will. As in Judaism, God is the creator of humans. The aim of humanity is to realize this dependence and live accordingly.e., in gratitude toward God. In Islam, sin is understood as disobedience (ma'siya) and not as rooted in human nature. This is different from the most dominant traditions in Christianity. An original aspect of Islam is that all humans are understood as to be born Muslim. It is the cultural environment that changes their essentially Muslim nature in to something else

From the ancient Greek philosopher Plato onwards, the human being alone is able to understand and grasp rationally the world as it is in itself, beyond every change. This ability derives from the rational faculties, expressed in the ability to think. Thus, human nature is closely linked to the ability to think, and to act with thinking as a guide.


incept 1

            is this the way to explain it all



Yes  you can cheat in absence of divinity ....
You can't believe in god because you don't know if it exists. You can believe that it exists, as being-entity that is thaught to have existence out of existence. But mostly you assume that there is God Almighty (Jex). You can also presume that someone or something is the god as I did for myself, God Secular (Zik).
Most rulers of the world are doing it by means of haziness of the words. Universalising/Universalisation, Muslim/Islam, know/believe, communism/socialism,  ....
But no more, Zikalkis is here, to clarify all this.
Now we have a god that exists and we can believe or not to trust to it. Again it is free will.
OMGZ, now we can believe in god !!!! Because we know that it exists. But still we can believe that imaginary god exists too, and believe in that faith (belief).
So until now we believed in a belief and now we can believe in the fact (knowledge).
This is again two in oneness! Two main aspects of a term god, religious and secular.
So we have to ask if we believe that god exists not if we believe in god, as being. Otherwise we believe in unknown and uncertain, which is comfortable for little crooks to rule.
exist or not exist .... is it relevant or important for anything .... we can rely to what we want .... real or imagined .... Almighty or Secular ..... Jex or Zik .... Jehalah or Zikalah .... Brahman or Zikalkis .... or both of them as dualism in oneness .... for example: we have Mickey Mouse ( imagined cat ) and Targ Ventori ( real cat ) as we see it on this avatar in place of buzz icon Orto.... now we may see if the usb works as both kb and prt ....


where all this goes...?

if you have some time to activate yourself in this activity
you can accept this blog authoring and put some text in blog
or you can start one blog in which I may be authorized to create my ways
i tried this with some people but we should have lot of tolerance in it
names, photos, faiths etc. are always an issue
to go universal we need universal names and universal god
but mostly they have tribal god and traditional names and personal photo they
impose everywhere they could,
but okay, we find some compromises though god shouldn't dare to do it
and stay principled ...

andensponengo@lavabit.com ziestablishment@hushmail.com aurozikalkis@rediffmail.com zi.bens@hotmail.com avosianihahuho27@rambler.ru troncaderosbrass@torontomail.com

Theu Newt Epochia

and candidates,
Welcome to campaign show,
We start from scratch again.
We have a dilemma.
Can the world develope better and goodier if USA giant is not limiting it.
Usa is unique and exceptional but is it equitable or fair.
More unique than other one can't be.
Nearer to perfection one can come, as Zikalkis did. But absolute can be only believed, not realised. If we take defensive and protective ( or, god forbid, negative ) positions, then Uniqueness is threatened by Universalism.
Usa is melting ethnicities into a nation and Zikalkis is merging nations into universe, but avoiding egalitarianism.
Shall we neglect universal striving and possibilities for particular and special interests. Kill a whole cow for the beef steak for one. In order to kill a cow, you have to tie it.
To have a voice in wilderness, that is representing the universal positions, is looking impossible. But, thanks to god we have Zikalkis in this generation that has presumed to  represent all generations.
It means that we can't avoid divine if we want to universalise this civilisation.
So, keep your mundane national perspective tradition and face to divine universal prospective future.
As for now, so far, we have only one divinity in reality, and it is a secular god Zikalkis.
Its offer is fair to equal candidates for OPUS.
Co-run with me and when we win, we do the inception of The Secular God office, then we print its money ( zik = $100 ), go tax free and debt free, pay to a born civs $10k a year, and so on. My realistic expectation is 78% votes, because: „In people I trust!“. Obama and Bush got 22% each. But class makes difference.
I experiment a joint site on blog:
If you want to be active in that regard, then inform me.
Zik zik .... bye bye ....
Elsewhere, food stamps 42m, disabled 49m, I am learning the situation in USA and the world. It is hard to come on election ballots in USA. So, help you Secular God Zikalkis.Xirihan Estefaga
Warbor Tepalde = Darryl Kinney
Xarihan Estemega
=Xarihan Estefaga
divine domain @hinte.nat....henty.nat....zivix.zik ....
Mr.Xirihan: Mr.Xarahan
Sarabun Ostangua 
These are most stable mundane identities as upgraded existing online identities ....
.... should Republican primary voters reconsider Huntsman if Gingrich, Perry, and Cain fail to provide a credible alternative to Romney? .... we are not ALTERNATIVE we are I think LATTERALS ....!!!! or LATERALS ....???? but, in all cases FREE DISPOSITION .... bye Zik ...