With The Game To The Universalism

At the start, the fairness is very important principle.
All this because the capitalism is stuck in the mud and spinning in the place, while communism can't help them any more.
Divine is imminent!
Divine intervention as the solution.
A gods mat to come out of mud.
In math it is the proce
ss in which we go from sine to tangent or cotangent!.
Maybe in the Universalism we can allow all classes but not allow any class to dominate.
Can we organize and galvanize civilisation without any domination?.
The teaching carefully distinguishes man the creature from God the Creator. The Creator is The God.
This implies that God is the originator of mathematical truth and mat genuine good help!.
Safe, sound, secure and solid ground for the future. So, note that in case that you decide to vote or play this game, then try, please, to adjust your icon to public networking culture and use a neutral avatar rather than an explicit human face photo!. Thanks!.n


Theu Newt Epochia

and candidates,
Welcome to campaign show,
We start from scratch again.
We have a dilemma.
Can the world develope better and goodier if USA giant is not limiting it.
Usa is unique and exceptional but is it equitable or fair.
More unique than other one can't be.
Nearer to perfection one can come, as Zikalkis did. But absolute can be only believed, not realised. If we take defensive and protective ( or, god forbid, negative ) positions, then Uniqueness is threatened by Universalism.
Usa is melting ethnicities into a nation and Zikalkis is merging nations into universe, but avoiding egalitarianism.
Shall we neglect universal striving and possibilities for particular and special interests. Kill a whole cow for the beef steak for one. In order to kill a cow, you have to tie it.
To have a voice in wilderness, that is representing the universal positions, is looking impossible. But, thanks to god we have Zikalkis in this generation that has presumed to  represent all generations.
It means that we can't avoid divine if we want to universalise this civilisation.
So, keep your mundane national perspective tradition and face to divine universal prospective future.
As for now, so far, we have only one divinity in reality, and it is a secular god Zikalkis.
Its offer is fair to equal candidates for OPUS.
Co-run with me and when we win, we do the inception of The Secular God office, then we print its money ( zik = $100 ), go tax free and debt free, pay to a born civs $10k a year, and so on. My realistic expectation is 78% votes, because: „In people I trust!“. Obama and Bush got 22% each. But class makes difference.
I experiment a joint site on blog:
If you want to be active in that regard, then inform me.
Zik zik .... bye bye ....
Elsewhere, food stamps 42m, disabled 49m, I am learning the situation in USA and the world. It is hard to come on election ballots in USA. So, help you Secular God Zikalkis.Xirihan Estefaga
Warbor Tepalde = Darryl Kinney
Xarihan Estemega
=Xarihan Estefaga
divine domain @hinte.nat....henty.nat....zivix.zik ....
Mr.Xirihan: Mr.Xarahan
Sarabun Ostangua 
These are most stable mundane identities as upgraded existing online identities ....
.... should Republican primary voters reconsider Huntsman if Gingrich, Perry, and Cain fail to provide a credible alternative to Romney? .... we are not ALTERNATIVE we are I think LATTERALS ....!!!! or LATERALS ....???? but, in all cases FREE DISPOSITION .... bye Zik ...

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