point one: Inception of the Universal Secular Born God into this World's Civilization with the Attribution of the Ownership of the Universe. This to have a funding father for all in the universe.
point two: Printing divine universal currency named Zwyx (=$100) to start funding all necessary documents and deeds for the new paradigm. This to have money independent from banks and feds.
third point: To start register all that are willing into the new establishment of the world, named "Funtepoz", by use of additional universal names. This to have an new universal identity as well.
point four: Provide all 7 billion citizens of the world with a unique universal cyber numbers, on which to attach all relative relevant documents. This to be able to fund basic existential sovereignty of individuals in amount of $10000 per year for each born.
fifth point:
The emancipation proclamation of tax and debt freedom at new direct investments from divine providence sourced from ownership power vested in usb god (zikalkis). This, to be capable of delivering the relief from economic pressure to whole the world.
we target 20 point-stepsPublic Networking
Usbg Office
Hi, peers
I am very pressed to think so I work less. However, somehow, all this paradigm gets its final shape.
We see that people want more options and more choice in this the fall election.
But traditional deals and forces are leading the game over futuristic aims and prospects.
They are using technology for their interests. I tried to urge Senate, Congress, Fec and You to liberalize
electoral system and make it more free, by allowing children and foreigners to run and vote for president.
I was unsuccessful in that try. So, I had to make it by myself.
My list is called Universal Butterfly Ballot List for American Election.
We know that you vote all over the counties for Local, State, National and my duty is to afford you the Universal option.
This made me obliged to split person of President in two: President of Government (Prime Minister) and President of Republic (Nation).
Establishment's elections are real and democratic with 20 candidates that have achieved accesses to ballot lists.
As we have 414 hopefuls remain 394 as base to extract 20 for my virtual UBBL on real side for Prime Minister running.
On the other side of my VUBBL there have to be 20 candidates more from pool of 7 billion citizens of universe.
This is only way that I think I can realize main demand, which is, to provide free fair universalized elections.
Thus we shall have: 20 20 20 for 20th January.
Now, technology of voting. I shall put VUBBL on my blog:
Voter will copy it and check two boxes, one for left and one for right, or one for PM and one for PR.
Underneath, put its version of cyber-number. One voter can vote as many times it suites to voter.
Say, if family or county or state won't do it then a voter can vote for all of them, if deem so is necessary.
One family or a group may vote on one list and so on. Then send it back to me or to whom it may concern.
What is important is to explore what we want and what we can do apart of real street election, online with god.
This is my way of contributing to complementing to to this civilisation from my presumed divine universal point of view.
Oprah or Bono might have done it better, but goodier, honestly, I doubt.
If I put, for example, Dummett on left list, he can tell me, no, put me me on right list.
I'll answer, O.K., but I need your two names, virtual and public name negotiated with me, ven and pen for ballot access.
So, any of you can enter these days in negotiations with me and run for virtual president of USA on right list of 20 virts.
Dog, cat, parrot, horse, kid, cousin, think for yourself, whom do you want to solicit.
If you don't solicit then I must unsolicit.
Under zillion I can't go, because mundane politics needs my divine providence.
And 20 points of my provident platform to complement to your political platforms.
Eventually, we arrived to a pattern: 20+20+20+20+20=100.
Bye .... Zikalkis
„Remember, only new thing you can offer, to voters and to the world, is Secular God, whether Zikalkis or Whoever !“
"I am doing this in hope that I shall not succeed, but it would be unfair not to respond to the call of the history."
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