With The Game To The Universalism

At the start, the fairness is very important principle.
All this because the capitalism is stuck in the mud and spinning in the place, while communism can't help them any more.
Divine is imminent!
Divine intervention as the solution.
A gods mat to come out of mud.
In math it is the proce
ss in which we go from sine to tangent or cotangent!.
Maybe in the Universalism we can allow all classes but not allow any class to dominate.
Can we organize and galvanize civilisation without any domination?.
The teaching carefully distinguishes man the creature from God the Creator. The Creator is The God.
This implies that God is the originator of mathematical truth and mat genuine good help!.
Safe, sound, secure and solid ground for the future. So, note that in case that you decide to vote or play this game, then try, please, to adjust your icon to public networking culture and use a neutral avatar rather than an explicit human face photo!. Thanks!.n


history in making

 Logical list                      Technological list           Moralological list                   Virtuological list

Patrick Buchanan           Roseanne Barr                 Deonia Neveu                          Witsie Tonders
Oprah Winfrey                 Virgil Goode                      John Dummett                        Valant Dantirs
Dolly Parton                      Gloria LaRiva                   Bruce Gidner                          Xarihu Xarixan
Sam Querrey                     Ross Anderson                  David Sponheim                   Zikalkis Sonakiy
Aung San Suu Kyi            Jill Reed                             Terrance O'Hara                     Kentis Kentabi
Sania Mirza                       Gary Johnson                     Donald Sauter                     Hampay Harlioa
Nelson Mandela               Willard Romney                 Cesar Cisneros                  Tangrit Usmiama
Huber Matos                      Merlin Miller                      Bill Still                                   Skemie Kaicona
Marta Stewart                  Stewart Alexander             Erin Magee                               Fargie Artgerl
Daniel Kingery                  Sheila Tittle                         Rick Santorum                   Griphy Warbura
Larry King                          Randall Terry                     Christin Griskie                     Ortian Originy
Thaksin Shinawatra        James Harris                       Leah Lax                               Heygie Rantier
Evo Morales                        Barack Obama                    Mike Trout                          Gringu Gamasio
Nicol Kidman                     Thomas Hoefling                Roland Menard                    Nickul Hirtare
Rohana Wijeweera           Thomas Stevens                 Santa Claus                         Seteka Marbane
Ryuhei Kawada                 Jerome White                     Dale Johnson                        Rockie Ockalas
Gary Kasparov                  Jill Stein                                Beach Carr                           Sturmy Linksie
Li Haocheng                       Paul Chehade                      Robert Prapotnik                 Katzie Friscar
Hosni Mubarak                 Darcy Richardson               Kent Mesplay                     Dohara Mirates
Zi Ma Man                          Hillary Clinton                     Mosheh Thezion                  Zintar Zibrebi


20 points-steps-complements to to move paradigm shift towards the divine

point one: Inception of the Universal Secular Born God into this World's Civilization with the Attribution of the Ownership of the Universe. This to have a funding father for all in the universe.
point two: Printing divine universal currency named Zwyx (=$100) to start funding all necessary documents and deeds for the new paradigm. This to have money independent from banks and feds.
third point: To start register all that are willing into the new establishment of the world, named "Funtepoz", by use of additional universal names. This to have an new universal identity as well.
point four: Provide all 7 billion citizens of the world with a unique universal cyber numbers, on which to attach all relative relevant documents. This to be able to fund basic existential sovereignty of individuals in amount of $10000 per year for each born.
fifth point:
The emancipation proclamation of tax and debt freedom at new direct investments from divine providence sourced from ownership power vested in usb god (zikalkis). This, to be capable of delivering the relief from economic pressure to whole the world.
we target 20 point-steps

Public Networking
Usbg Office

Hi, peers
I am very pressed to think so I work less. However, somehow, all this paradigm gets its final shape.
We see that people want more options and more choice in this the fall election.
But traditional deals and forces are leading the game over futuristic aims and prospects.
They are using technology for their interests. I tried to urge Senate, Congress, Fec and You to liberalize
 electoral system and make it more free, by allowing children and foreigners to run and vote for president.
I was unsuccessful in that try. So, I had to make it by myself.
My list is called Universal Butterfly Ballot List for American Election.
We know that you vote all over the counties for Local, State, National and my duty is to afford you the Universal option.
This made me obliged to split person of President in two: President of Government (Prime Minister) and President of Republic (Nation).
Establishment's elections are real and democratic with 20 candidates that have achieved accesses to ballot lists.
As we have 414 hopefuls remain 394 as base to extract 20 for my virtual UBBL on real side for Prime Minister running.
On the other side of my VUBBL there have to be 20 candidates more from pool of 7 billion citizens of universe.
This is only way that I think I can realize main demand, which is, to provide free fair universalized elections.
Thus we shall have: 20 20 20 for 20th January.
Now, technology of voting. I shall put VUBBL on my blog:
Voter will copy it and check two boxes, one for left and one for right, or one for PM and one for PR.
Underneath, put its version of cyber-number. One voter can vote as many times it suites to voter.
Say, if family or county or state won't do it then a voter can vote for all of them, if deem so is necessary.
One family or a group may vote on one list and so on. Then send it back to me or to whom it may concern.
What is important is to explore what we want and what we can do apart of real street election, online with god.
This is my way of contributing to complementing to to this civilisation from my presumed divine universal point of view.
Oprah or Bono might have done it better, but goodier, honestly, I doubt.
If I put, for example, Dummett on left list, he can tell me, no, put me me on right list.
I'll answer, O.K., but I need your two names, virtual and public name negotiated with me, ven and pen for ballot access.
So, any of you can enter these days in negotiations with me and run for virtual president of USA on right list of 20 virts.
Dog, cat, parrot, horse, kid, cousin, think for yourself, whom do you want to solicit.
If you don't solicit then I must unsolicit.
Under zillion I can't go, because mundane politics needs my divine providence.
And 20 points of my provident platform to complement to your political platforms.
Eventually, we arrived to a pattern: 20+20+20+20+20=100.
Bye .... Zikalkis

„Remember, only new thing you can offer, to voters and to the world, is Secular God, whether Zikalkis or Whoever !“
"I am doing this in hope that I shall not succeed, but it would be unfair not to respond to the call of the history."


just not to damage the history

Public networking
Zikalkis BG Office

16 US veterans commit suicide every single day.
Let’s repeat that statistic so it sinks in – 16 US veterans commit suicide every single day. Why?
Because war is hell. And because America has a bad habit of sending its sons and daughters across the globe to fight, and then conveniently tossing them aside when their bodies and minds are damaged.

Hi peers of universe,

I am trying to come back on track.
I haven't found anybody for real nor for virtual ballot list.
Nobody has pledged me a single signature for eventual ballot access.
But I am not disappointed, since all this is exploratory for all of us.

I have started a new paradigm, I see, real virtuality in divine providence at universal level.
You are invited, too. I'll google, where was the start of American independence.
I think that it is expected from me, as presumed Second Secular Born God, to guide this adventure.
I know it is not sexy, no meat no myth, but meet. Or, divination rather than domination.

Uh, haha, wow, lol, you'll notice that I shifted assignment of Secular God (SG) to Born God (BG).
Second God, God 2.0, etc., are relevant describings too. But, looks like we'll have A-God, B-God, C-God .....
say, Almighty God (AG), Born God (BG), Created God (CG), ....

I see, 16 veterans suicides a day, it's human trait: "Go fight, if you come back we'll kill you!".
My solution will be elegant, don't go back, go to exotics, cruisers, Mars, etc, with my charismation.
But, the sense of BG inception is to prevent any wars, though humans need them for purging and catharsis.
I have 20 points of my paradigmatical provident (pragmatical political) platform on my blog:


But, in course of these 111 days of my divine guidance reports online, only one networker addressed them with:
"Hi, Zikalkis, please, remove me from your distribution list, but idea of giving $10000 to each born per year is excellent!"

Bye .... Zikalkis,

Elsewhere: Witsie and Valant, the virtual entities solicited by me, public networker Zikalkis, are preparing for our virtual debate on icq-chat in room "lost", on Oct. 20. We are still looking for a viable and reliable moderator.
Witsie's corner: Yes, O.K., I am virt, but I have problem on many services on Internet, birth. Virt has no birth. I have to lie. Too young.
Valant's corner: Okay, just be resourceful as I do. I will support and sustain you, Zik shall substantiate and solicit you, want more!

Note: If you want to join my real virtuality, it will require your pen and ven names. One word in a name is enough.
But, chaldean value ought to be 20, for start. Vens are: Witsie (20) and Valant (20) and their solicitor is pen Zikalkis (20).
Pen is Public established networker as differentiated from Men (Media established networker) or Sen (Social est. networker).
Daniel Kingery and Leah Lax are seen as possible converts from Sen to Pen with Ven. I doubt I can find any Men to go Pen - Ven.
I am not on track of virtual civilization click war. I hope not.


to virtual really as the state of the civilization

Public Networking, Office of Secular God Zikalkis, Breaking News:
I realize that we never have had a "write-in" Candidate ever win an Election, and that is the truth, but nonetheless, I have put myself into this category. Why? Because at this point, I consider myself a "revolutionary vote", as I call it. Also, there are some States that do not allow write-ins, and then there are some States that have a set of "rules" that are somewhat difficult to fulfill (getting delegates, and a Vice President, etc.), and I don't have any help with my Campaign, and so I realize I will not be able to fulfill all of the stipulations in some States to be counted as a write-in. However, there are some States that will allow write-ins and they don't require any paper work and so I hope to benefit from that type of set up more so. I believe that we need better ballot access for all Candidates and it should be the same in all States for Candidates, at this time ballot access is almost impossible, and requires a lot of money and it should not be this way. I don't know how many votes I'll get to tell you the truth, but I remain a write-in Candidate regardless. I plan to go to the finish line and do as best as I can, and do it within my financial means, I will not allow myself to acquire debt as a Candidate, especially as one with a slim chance. I tell folks that if they already know who they like, then fine, but if they don't like any of them, and would rather stay home than vote, then to come on out and write my name in, even if not counted because if nothing else it will send a message politically that folks are not happy with the choices put forth. Deonia.
On August 1st, the Libertarian Party of Pennsylvania filed nearly 50,000 petition signatures to put Libertarian Presidential candidate Governor Gary Johnson on the ballot.
Hi generations,
My attachment is an expression of an outsider’s perspective for electoral prospects. Technicalities prevail, but we have right to think out of the box or near to it. Traditional classic standard elections are godless, so I had to go virtual to bridge that gap to the secular god as a divinity in experience.
Bye …. Zikalkis.
Elsewhere: …. Witsie and Valant are studying cells to see if it is possible to make a new life and send it to Mars.

time to go


petition for witsie's support for candidacy



Public networking,
The makeshift office of a secular universal god Zikalkis.

Secular God is an extension of The Almighty God in transcendence impersonated and exercised in an experience of the human history.
One of us is assuming presumption of doing job of such an entity.
Civilization needs such an uniting exto - element for many reasons.
We could ascribe all universe to all humans, but it is not effective.
All parameters lead us to a conclusion that divine initiative is best.
People have created god's projection and can realize His extension.
This move can bring solutions for all major problems of humanity.
That way, liberation of Almighty God scores two attributes more:
Divine right to be born and divine right to possess own property.
The nature gets its divine dimension and can evolute in a new way.
The society is then with satisfied mind progressing in the new era.
Nationally affiliated world becomes more universal with the divine.
New perspective opens for the prospective progressive prosperity.
A Secular God Zikalkis made Its comprehensive universal paradigm
which represents foundation as a framework for a new arrangement.

Bye …. Zikalkis.

Elsewhere: …. Some circulators and petitioners in Colorado were stoned.
I see, it can be dangerous job. Maybe we do it all online to avoid turf war.
Note:Your replies, pledges, signatures and votes you can send me by e-mails in any form. We’ve to gain online momentum if we want to succeed.
I’ll try pdf adobe petitioning and echosign site, then shall duly inform you.
Witsie’s corner: Zikalkis prepares all election online, ha, chicken sky god.
Zikalkis corner: I am not scared of them, but I want just elegantly avoid it.


honorable eligible electable credible viable

Hi, Honorable Member of House, Senate and Citizen of Universe,

I am Zikalkis and I am doing and working the job of a self-intuited presumed Universal Secular God, chiefly because nobody is doing it.
If any does SG then I go to swim.
History has never established It (The Secular God), so I am trying to correct it.
Politicians are senate elephant and congress donkey.
Paradigmers are presidency goldfinch and providence wilde horse.
Four votes for a  decision ask fifth one, frog, media, Clift, Buchanan, or similar.
About politics we are clear. About my divine providence's zillion zwyx, we know all. We have to talk about presidential entity.
From my perspective i see as a prospective president a girlof 13 years age.
As I was born 27. Jan. and Oprah was born 28. Jan., She can be born only 30. Jan. 2000. For this the fall electio.

But before the fall election, I'll try to implement, in accordance with president, senate, congress and FEC, the following:
Please this for your eyes only:
1- Children will get right to vote and to be elected to the office of the President of USA. School age is age limit. Can hold pen can vote and sign bill into law.
2- Foreigners will have same rights as US citizens as regards presidential elections running, but not voting, not yet.
3-Every presidential candidate will have the human right to choose where he/she/it wants to be born.
4-Divine right for a god to be born is to be ascribed solely to The Secular God Zikalkis, but only if Its candidate wins the fall election.
I wrote to Mr. Barney Frank and Mrs. Eleonor Norton, kindly asking them to call “lame horse” session, to pass regulations for kids and foreigners, so that FEC can start activity, the sooner the better.
I have full confidence in you to speed it up so kids and foreigners can catch up with. Thanks!
More insight about this paradigm and actual development you can have on my exploratory blog:
You can also subscribe to my daily e-mailing reports, on my e-mail address:
For me also it was hard to understand what is Secular God.
Until I had to explain to myself what is College of Electors.
College of Electors is an extension of People.
Secular God is an extension of Almighty God.
Means, what one can’t do, other can.
Bye …. Zikalkis …. USG.


live candidacy

           join the race at the candidacy live


 god and mod shall unite the world 

free kids and god to free yourselves

Public Networking;
Makeshift Divine Office of a Secular Universal God Zikalkis.
Breaking news:
SUG Zikalkis goes to holiday,
SG decided to take rest from campaign.
Euro starts, kids chats are in crux, documentations have to be written, 2 millions emas to be harvested,
let your confidential privacy to be spared from my zillion Zwyx positive spam, etc,.
You try, meanwhile, to manage according to my arrangment and guidances.
Consult each other about the state of union and universe.
Reply each other over “reply to all”, this option is fantastic solution for our communications.
Any discord or dilemma you encounter, just ask me, I will find cure for it, in an elegant manner, of course!.

Hi peers,

I am entering in a new phase of the development of this paradigm of inception of secular god’s office into this civilization. So I feel intuitively that I need some space to jump across it.
About foreigners inclusion, kids elected into OPUS and getting right to vote, I will send gmail to FEC and Barney Frank stipulated articles so they can start to act accordingly. My preoccupations is kids chats. They have taught ma most of the part.
Last kid I asked if it has blog, what’s that, you have site, no, email address, yes, but I wont give you,
ok, I don’t ask you to give me ema, but I understand you, I had same prejudice in my early stages.
I had thought all my 64 gmail addresses are my private, until google has disabled them all.
And until I had realized that all e-mail addresses on Internet are public, especially on public         networking. I said to teen-chatter, that it may go run for USA President. It said, UK I am.
I said, no problem  now, I am here SG. So I got in one person: chatter, kid, foreigner and, if girl, then solution of maximal optimum. Somewhere, in Buthan or Nepal, they keep a girl in a room as a goddess, but this is not solution for USA President. best and goodiest option is if I find proper girl non-american in some chatroom. We tried find a suitable universalized name, as for start. 

Bye …. Zikalkis,

Spring, lovely period of year. A mom took kittens on promenade out of my window, I see. They are so frighten by mama from foreigners. Universalize cats! Hmmm! Parents protect. That is my biggest problem. Against whom shall I protect civilization if they recognize me as Universal SG Zikalkis.
Maybe Obama can help me to find out some convenient enemy. Uf, USA looks for allies, GOD for enemies.
Making an ally from an enemy is goodier than making an enemy from an ally.
You can tell your kids to come to chat with me, if they have such consent. I am “zik” but then we search our nicknames for that conversation. As follows: bio, kio, zib, siu, etc., we develop to: kione, bione, ziben, siundu,Then we combine, if wanting, to: bio kamarso, kio paretenso, zib sonokey, siu ostamigo, or we add numbers: bio100, bio64famarsi, kio46faretengo, etc, then we continue chat, or click away and to go eat or sleep. If you follow this, you won’t see caps and that I apply numerology and nameology. So, zik100zikalkis. ChatWorld:

Zik’s corner:
Have a good summer.

     Public Networking
Makeshift Divine Office of
a Secular Universal God Zikalkis.

Francois Hollande who wants more stimulus (good), but has no idea how to pay for it (bad), except if we take divine money from US god Zikalkis.
Should banks be allowed exclusive rights to produce the world's money supply or we may try to acknowledge the secular god's currency, Zwyx.
The Fed has loaned, guaranteed or otherwise made available, cumulatively, some $29 trillion! Has this made us better off without USG Zikalkis.
Nationally, the inflation-adjusted wages of the bottom 80 percent of the country haven't seen a rise in nearly 2 generations. Oh my guard Zik!.
Don't let the leaders weasel out of this by saying us,"oh, yes, but there is no money." The question is, "Are there people who want to do the jobs!"

                        Are we really "short of money" when the world derivatives market is estimated to be worth up to $1.2 quadrillion, some 20 times the world GDP!
                        Haven't we just had the mother-of-all-housing busts, caused by speculation and short-sighted greed while secular god expects Its barrel of vine!
They flesh out her points that a truly sovereign nation need not rely on a private central bank to produce its money supply an trickle up to 1%.
To really end the monopolies and speculation that lead to such vast wealth inequity, one must tax the land ( all nature's resources, in a sense ).
The best locations and natural resources are hoarded by a very few, until they find a price they want to sell it at, , and allow impoverish billions.

hi, friends of generations,
                        welcome to my guiding report 37 in glory of us. These days there have been emerged some marginal question online regarding privacy and confidentiality.
we are freely and responsibly conversating on universal service internet thanks to our political goddess hillary rodham clinton who passionately  and
explicitly protect us aganst private provocations. I am considering to take her as my top co-runner for double offices (presidential and precedential).
But precedence has sarah the second palin, if norma hunt yield her post, of course. Boys, this time we run for history and next president will be a woman.
Politician, chatter, kid or foreigner, but female. Masculines come only if that feminine option is unavailable. But, why yes, why not, vpr can be a male,
as patrick buchanan, jurgen klinsmann, barney frank or daniel kingery etc.
                        Bye …. Zikalkis.
                        Elsewhere; …. I have prepared preview for my presentation named: “twenty points for twentieth january” which you can visit on the following web link:
or you can take your time and see them all in panoramic view on my picasa account at google service on universal and free Internet on following web link:
                        I hope americans will not change their option: “not a click for a god!”. So I will have to outsource my divine and universal job to china and in cheap areas.
                        Now I’m going to chatters. We have lot of to do next 100 days, while kids go and enjoy summer, politicians in recess and foreigners can peek ocassionally.
                     Note: …. This page is written in web layout so you can click your options on programmes. Thanks. 
We often encounter such a text online:
                                  „This e-mail and any attachments may contain confidential and privileged information.
                                    If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail, delete this e-mail and destroy any copies.
                                   Any dissemination or use of this information by a person other than the intended recipient is unauthorized and may be illegal.“
                     I'm doing secular god’s job not a lawyer's and I can't be 100% certain, but I'm convinced that those email confidentiality notices just don't hold much water.
                     I mean really, if it's that important or so confidential, shouldn't they skip the email communication and either place a phone call or set up a meeting, though!

Zik’s corner: …. In my 3 years exercises on Internet, I’ve got a strange experience. Namely, almost all contacted say that my paradigm makes not sense.
Then I ask them: “O.K., then would you be so kind and try to concentrate and compose and tell me, what of all this makes no sense!”. They mute. All dumb.
I am consulting myself and my puppet sonkey and we are nearing the explination. maybe syndrome: “not to help a god even if it is in the hell!”. hahahahaha.


chatter for president

Usa presidential competition guided by A Secular God Zikalkis.
If you see your box, tell me in comments to put you there, thanks.

Hi, James,
I am Zikalkis, doing job of a secular god (SG). I'll try to find email addresses of Isner and Querrey these days but your is the goodiest I saw.
I am trying to become The Secular God with an office, by an executive order issued by The President of United States of America.
This I can achieve only in a plausible and a reasonable way by competing on the fall election on November the 6th, this year.
My soon-to-be candidate needs access to ballot list in all 50 states. It may reach quota of 750 000 signatures, nationwide. 
So I ask randomly all Americans, via e-mails and chats, whether they can pledge me signatures for by-me yet-to-be designated candidate or not. 
Of course, I will continue to search e-mail addresses of tennis players, but if you can facilitate this, it will be for me great ease. 
You can ask American players of tennis if they pledge vote can or if they can send me their addresses on my address: 
so I can send them full message about my introduction that I send to all Americans.
More you can see on my exploratory blog:
Thanks, have the good games, James.
Bye …. Zik.


some similarity emerged

Sarah doesn't want to move
Zikalkis doesn't want to move

why we, the good, leave dominate us by bads
and we are complaisant and satisfied with it

do we feed the devil from subconscious fear
or they dominate us from fear from us, or both ....

I explain this as: "nobody wants to go, but we all have to move"
maybe this attracts the wars and causes disputes
maybe good just wake up bad for something to happen
I must ask Deonia what syndrome is this one

Jon has Struwwelpeter syndrome, shrimpchit, or so,
I noticed it at exhausted and expired politicians
and one of them said: "Situation is pregnant!".

So, Sarah might go with Paul Ron to Write-ins and I go to the upper floor by way of enlarging hole in the Obama's Whinning wall.
So perplexed.


Hi, Honorable Citizen,

I am Zikalkis and I am doing and working the job of a self intuited Universal Secular God.
History has never established it, so I am trying to correct it.
I am in search for a proper profile of a candidate for the president of Usa, who will create an office of the secular god soon after He assumes the office of president by using executive order.
For to achieve that, I need your pledges that you will give your electoral signature on the petition required for his/her ballot access when I find a candidate and his electors in your respective states.
When I intuited this entity, 13 years ago, I informed people around me of it.
Of course, it is difficult to keep the pristine of a divinity. One has to be beside the civilisation. I found out that I, as a secular god, can assume only two attributes that almighty god cant afford Himself:
The Right to be born and The Right to possess property.
So, I rooted myself in my room, starting to write a paradigm of the world's arrangement from my new divine and universal perspective.
As, 3 years ago, they gave me a monitor and linkage with their computer through a hole in my floor, I got an Internet connection.
I sat before the screen and started to use paint programme to explain myself and world the universe and content in it the way I intuit.
Then, I decided to contact the civilization and I picked up 1500 e-mail addresses randomly from the web.
I invited all to chat about Secular God and so. 10% of them accepted invitation, 1% chatted but 0% continued conversation.
So, I heared Ron Paul in a debate on TV about the campaign for USA president and asked myself, is it without me as Secular God incomplete!.
My intuition drew me to the conclusion for my inclusion in the campaign as a guiding actual god for national future leaders.
I went to Internet and collected 250 e-mail addresses of candidate-hopefuls seeking OPUS at FEC and have started to report and inform them daily about my activities and chores.
Respectfully, 10% of them asked removal from list, what is duly done.
Then, I felt it is time to turn to voters. First list I encountered was a list of universities ranked by some agency.
Of 250 e-mail addresses that I have informed, mainly from law schools, 5% honestly claimed removal.
Then I saw a list of students and I said: “Maybe I can educate themcwhile teachers teaching them!”
Now, after Americans Elect is ceasing fight for the ballot accesss for third option candidates, I think that it is time for me to go to citizens, to you, to ask pledges for the signatures as petitioners for the option four.
You can ask people in your union, church, school and surroundings if they are willing to give signature for The Secular God's indicated yet-to-be candidate and inform me about their pledges.
I'll start my pioneering from Alabama. Then go to neighbouring states.
Randomly, will be taken 500 e-mail addresses from each state and I shall begin with my free and fair offer in asking thr endorsing pledges for eventual signature for my ballot access.
You can reply then, as for example: „O.K. Zikalkis, you have 19 signatures from this position!", or "Here you get over 510 signatures that Donadero collected in one day, when the time comes!“, or „ Yes, here you have only my consent!“ or : “Sorry Zik, I spent my endorsing authority on Buddy Roamer!” or : “Will see this month and inform you, OMGZ!”
But also you can replay: „Who needs you SG! Get along! I have my personal god and I am fine with the universe!“ or as you deem and find suitable to you. One e-mail entity wrote: "O.K. Zik, you are good boy, but don't reply on this message.
So, you can write me a message or more, and under it: "Don't reply!".
I reckon I can get over 78% public votes and 300 electoral votes for my candidate on the fall election in November.
I count on american exceptional generosity and my willful goodness.
Namely, USA is on bipartisan bicycle. Americans Elect tried rather go as tricycle than as four wheeler, so they preferred to pass away than associate with the Option Four for equilibrium. AE went to centar for byepartisan ticket, while I was and am out in area of providence.
Now empty tyre Green Libertarians join two overblown tyres, and the best they can do is to replace the overblown tyre with a flat one.
So, one may deduce that the most plausible solution for stable and prosperous America is a Fourth Option sustained with The Universal and Secular God Zikalkis, myself.
As this is solely my intuitive initiative, I expect you to comprehend my comprehensive purpose of this  aim.
More about this paradigm you have on blog:
You can subscribe to my daily e-mailing report, what one entity has already done, on my e-mail address:
 sometimes I am on tweeter: @zikalkis
Have a lovely days….bye….Zikalkis USG!
"An idea is an impulse of thought that impels action, by an appeal to the imagination"